Mood Disorders in Children

It is not uncommon to find mood disorders in children. In fact, 7-14% of children will experience an episode of major depression before the age of 15.

Help For Chronic Worry Disorder

In Chronic Worry Disorder, a high level of concern develops in individuals who feel the need to be hyper-vigilant with regard to their lives and those of their friends and family. They often feel that if they worry enough about important issues or fears they can prevent those concerns from coming to fruition.

Expectations of Beauty – Body Image Disorder

It is natural for most people to feel some level of self-consciousness regarding their appearance in the presence of others. But for some, this concern rises past an unhealthy level and develops into a chronic mental condition known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder or Body Image Disorder.

Therapy For Dealing With Life Changes

Illness, marriage, divorce, work problems, and having children are all life phases that many of us will undergo at some point in our lives. These phases, along with numerous other possibilities, can affect our normal routine and create a new environment that requires us to adapt. For some, dealing with life changes comes naturally but for others they may trigger an extreme emotional jolt that leads to Phase of Life Adjustment Anxiety; a condition that can heavily impact their daily lives.

Mindfulness Therapy Can Help With Anxiety Disorders

There are several possible treatments for anxiety disorder, but one that is gaining popularity is the concept of mindfulness therapy. Mindfulness, with its roots in Buddhist philosophy, encourages a complete commitment to the present moment.

Performance Anxiety and Its Treatment

Many of us fear specific social or performance-based situations. In fact, a little anxiety here and there is perfectly normal. It’s when a person’s performance anxiety becomes a constant and abnormal concern that the person should seek performance anxiety treatment.

Help For OCD in South Florida

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder affects more than five million people across the country. There are five major behavior categories associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. South Florida OCD sufferers should seek treatment once their obsessions begin to rule their life.

Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder Therapy

Once a panic disorder develops, seeking panic disorder therapy becomes even more important: left untreated, panic attacks can lead to severe phobias or other anxiety disorders, to avoidance of social situations, to suicidal thoughts or actions, to financial problems, to work or school problems, and/or to alcohol or substance abuse problems.

Boca Raton Psychologist Discusses Fear Of Flying

Dr. Andrew Rosen, a Boca Raton psychologist, notes that one of the most commonly known fears is a fear of flying. He says that, as with any anxiety, there is an irrational exaggeration of the possibility of something bad happening even though the risk of being hurt or killed in a plane crash is one in many millions. Additionally, a fear of flying can involve several components of anxiety that are not specific to airplanes.